Why Should You Buy An Eco SIPs Homes Garden Room Self-Build Kit?
Do you want to build an art studio, children's playroom, music room, or home office in your garden?
Then a garden room self-build kit is what you need.
Having a garden room will add value to your property. In addition to the purposes mentioned earlier, you can use it as an area of your property that isn't part of the main house.
It is a separate space that can provide you peace and calm when you want. If there are too many distractions and noise inside your home and you want a place that can help you focus on an important project, you can use your garden room.
There are many advantages of using self-build garden room kits from Eco SIPs Homes Limited when compared to your usual uninsulated timber summer houses from DIY stores.

Our kits contain fully insulated roofs, walls, and floors, something that you aren't going get at most of your DIY stores. Neither scorching summers nor chilly winters are going to have any effects on our garden rooms. You can use them all through the year without worrying about temperatures, weather, rain, or sun.
Garden room self-build kits from Eco SIPs Homes Limited are a beautiful standalone extension to your home - an extension that you don't need to attach to your home. Unlike DIY store summer houses, these self-build kits are perfect for adding another functional element to your garden and the outside of your home and can be used all year round. These garden room kits are available at only a fraction of the cost of other home extensions.